Magnetic resonance venography


The specialist training organized by Siemens was held both at the ORTO clinic and magnetic resonance (MR) offices at the Centre of Diagnostics, Health Centre 4. The training was led by Irina Trofimenko, a Siemens MR application expert from Russia. Over the course of training, those interested improved their knowledge of the MR peripheral angiography and venography examinations – diagnostic approach which is still new in Latvia but already much sought-after.

According to Dr. Natālija Ezīte, a certified radiologist-diagnostician, phlebologist, and internist, the magnetic resonance venography (MRV), as a diagnostic tool, is becoming more and more important world-wide in examination of vein pathologies. It provides general visual overview on the venous system and allows the examination of blood vessels through which blood returns to heart. In several researches the MRV has been recognized as an effective diagnostic tool for several vein pathologies, although it does not provide a view on the functions of venous valves.

It has several advantages:

Accurate and patient-safe method for vein examination with high sensitivity.

Serves as a valuable addition to other vein examinations; therefore, if the pathology is found, other examinations, for example computed tomography (CT) venograpy, won’t be necessary in order to have an accurate diagnosis.

By using MR, you can simultaneously examine arteries and, in addition to MRV, perform also a magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) for diagnostics of artery-related diseases.

This type of examination has low percentage of false-positive or false-negative results. That makes it easier for the doctors to choose the further treatment.

In order to get a clear image, during the examination an intravenous contrast agent is usually introduced into the patient. Since the ingredients of this gadolinium-containing contrast agent are less harmful to the human body, it can be used also for those patients with kidney diseases.

The MR technology does not emit ionizing radiation; therefore, it is not harmful to the human body.

The MRT has greater contrast resolution than CTV.

The MRV allows doctors to perform 3D reconstructions, avoid artefacts, and examine blood vessel-structures almost in every body part.

The duration of the MR examination does not differ from the CT examination, but a radiologist-diagnostician can process the image much faster than if you would use the CT.


The MRV examination may be performed on:

Inferior vena cava.

Portal and mesenteric veins.

Small pelvis veins.

Lower extremity veins.

Central veins.

Upper extremity veins.

In acute cases in order to take decision on the circulation of the thrombus, fixation of the thrombus on the vein wall, as well as in order to stop thromboembolism of the lung artery.

In order to determine an accurate re-channeling level upon acute deep vein thrombosis.

In order to determine an accurate vein anatomy.


Patients with metallic object in their body (pacemakers, heart valves, artificial joints, inner ear stimulators etc.).


First trimester of a pregnancy.

Acute patients who must be placed under lung and heart ventilation; reanimation patients.

The doctor must be notified if:

you have problems sleeping on the back (30-40 minutes).

your job or hobby is related to a metal-treatment.

you have had a doctor’s visit in connection with a metallic object in your eye.

you have tattoos covering the area of examination.

you have metallic object in the body (splinter, bullet, prosthesis etc.).


you are pregnant/lactating.

Riga office: Str.Baznīcas 31, Rīga, Latvia. +371 202 116 11,